interpol lawyer uae

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interpol lawyer uae

Interpol Lawyer UAE

Interpol Lawyer specialized law firm – INTERPOL is not an international police force, but an intergovernmental organization called the “  International Criminal Police Organization

194 states are members.

INTERPOL enables the Member States to exchange and access information on offenses and perpetrators and provides them with technical and operational support. INTERPOL’s headquarters are based in Lyon, France

There are three bodies within INTERPOL:

  • General Secretariat, which is responsible for coordinating INTERPOL’s day-to-day activities.
  • in each member state, there is an INTERPOL National Central Bureau which acts as a central point of contact for the General Secretariat and other offices. Usually located within the ministry responsible for police activities, the National Central Bureau is headed by national police officers.
  • the General Assembly of member countries, which is INTERPOL’s governing body and which meets annually to make decisions.

Interpol’s areas of intervention:

INTERPOL can intervene in specific areas and for the following offenses

  • Corruption
  • Counterfeit money and security documents
  • Pedocriminality
  • Attacks on cultural heritage
  • Cybercriminals
  • Drug trafficking
  • Environmental crime
  • Financial crime
  • Trafficking in firearms
  • Human trafficking
  • Illicit goods
  • Maritime crime
  • Organized crime
  • Migrant smuggling
  • Terrorism
  • Vehicle crime
  • War crimes

INTERPOL issues several “notices” which are named according to their color: red, black, green, blue, and yellow notices. The most important notice is the red notice which calls for the search and arrest of the person at the international level.

The Red Notice may be abused by some countries, in violation of fundamental human rights and INTERPOL’s fundamental principles.

With in-depth knowledge and solid experience, our firm is at your disposal to advise you and to act with the Interpol File Control Commission in order to obtain the erasure of a red notice issued against you. Sometimes the person is not sure if there is a Red Notice against them. It is true that only the most important Red Notices are published on the INTERPOL website and that the vast majority remain confidential.

International lawyers in Our firm can refer an access request to the Interpol Files Control Commission in order to obtain information on the dissemination or not of a red notice against the client


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